Significant Results 1988-2024
- Successfully negotiated resolution of noncompete for employee in medical industry
- Negotiated substantial reduction of noncompete for Executive
- Resolved numerous non-compete and trade secret cases for employees of industrial service companies
- Defeated attempt by former employer to obtain temporary injunction against employee in oil and gas industry
- Successfully tried contract suit and obtained Final Judgment in favor of client
- Negotiated successful resolution of executive compensation in oil and gas related venture
- Assisted in successfully resolving substantial personal injury suit involving multiple plaintiffs with damage claims in excess of $100 Million
- Successfully resolved and/or defeated claims for injunctive relief and damages On trade secret claims against oil and gas related businesses
- Successfully resolved contract claim for employee against equipment supplier
- Successful trial and appeal of contract suit enforcing substantial Payment on change of control provision involving drilling company
- Successfully avoided temporary injunction in trade secret case Involving management consultant and offshore drilling company affirmed on appeal and then settled for take nothing
- Successful settlement in excess of $1 Million on gender discrimination Claim against major bank
- Successful settlement for executive against major bank in defamation case
- Successful trial and resolution of trade secret claim involving software for Industrial facilities after trial and appeal
- Obtained favorable settlement for software developer against major Software-related business
- Major settlements for executives and employees in wrongful Termination suits in trading business, media businesses, auto Industry, nursing, education
- Obtained $41 Million verdict for small business in suit against lender
- Obtained $4.5 Million verdict in wrongful termination claim against contractor
- Obtained summary judgment for global media company on fraud and contract claims
- Assisted in successfully resolving claim against major bank related to Alleged wrongful foreclosure of collateral for loan to acquire radio Station
- Assisted in preventing injunction against developer of a major jail facility
- Assisted in successfully resolving claim against drilling company in Connection with alleged wrongful foreclosure of offshore oil and gas equipment
- Obtained dismissal of contract and tort claims against major bank Based in New York
- Assisted in successfully resolving securities fraud suit against major bank
- Assisted in resolving misappropriation and antitrust claims against national Business involved in healthcare, insurance and related industries
- Obtained $1 Million Verdict for Texas-based fastener company
Business Litigation
- In 2018 obtained zero dollar settlement for petrochemical company in trade secrets/non-compete case
- In 2017 obtained favorable settlement for New Hampshire tax services firm avoiding inunction.
- Successful defense of trade secrets claim involving plant and machinery control systems.
- Successfully resolve injunction sought in connection with sale of industrial cleaning business.
- Successful resolution of shareholder dispute involving provider of personnel services.
- Obtained summary judgment for magazine publisher against fraud claim.
Employment Litigation
- In 2018 obtained major settlement for employee on gender discrimination claim
- In 2018 obtained major settlement for hedge fund executive on wrongful termination claim
- In 2018 obtained injunction for petrochemical services firm to enforce non-compete and trade secret claim
- In 2018 drafted agreement and assisted Executive in obtaining major severance award in petrochemical concern
- Prior to 2018 successfully represented oil and gas services firm in hiring multiple employees against former employer suits or threatened suits to enforce non-compete and trade secret claims
- Prior to 2018 Successful resolution for employers in multiple cases involving discrimination claims.
- Prior to 2018 obtained major contract and defamation award for terminated Chief Financial Officer of oil and gas services firm.
- Prior to 2018 obtained major contract award for terminated Controller involving change of control.
- Prior to 2018, successfully resolved numerous cases involving gender discrimination and sexual harassment in banking, pharmaceutical, alternative energy and other industries.
- Prior to 2018 obtained major settlement for executive wrongfully terminated for refusing to participate in securities fraud.
Securities Litigation
- In 2018-19 assisted executive officer of publicly traded company in successfully resolving securities fraud mattter
- Numerous major judgments, verdicts and settlements for securities fraud whistleblowers
- Represented securities brokerage firms in tortious interference and non-compete cases.
- Obtained judgment for defamation and breach of severance agreement for CFO wrongfully accused of securities fraud in publicly held oil and gas services firm
- Obtained securities fraud verdict for purchaser of fastener company
Trade Secrets And Covenants Not to Compete
- Obtained temporary restraining order against contractor for oilfield products manufacturer.
- Successful defense against temporary injunction in case involving offshore drilling platform management services.
- Obtained numerous permanent injunctions for clients in various industries, including brokerage firms, oil and gas companies and product manufacturers.